Quality Specifics: Rich in flavor, tender, white meat. Primarily Sold As: Whole "as is" Culinary: Sautéed, stewed, grilled, baked and fried. Characteristic: Cuttlefish - Belonging to the family of cephalopods its scientific name is Sepia pfefferi. People that own caged birds are probably very familiar with "cuttlefish bones." The bone is used as a dietary supplement for caged birds, as it is a great source of calcium. Artist may also be very familiar with cuttlefish as their ink is used as a medium in drawings or paintings. Like other cephalopods the cuttlefish has the ability to change color. Sometimes in a flashing mode which some believe is a form of communication, or as camouflage against its predators. Even though the word fish appears in its name it is not a fish at all, it is a mollusk.